Saturday, January 15, 2011

One foot in front of the other ...

Awe-Manac Stuff

Name Today:  Swept Away

Today I get to:  Explore and live dangerously with Laura

Toast of the Day:  "Here's to taking one more step"
(Pic by Laura love and processed by me)

Today was our first Creative Saturday of the year together, and as always, fun and laughter overflows ☺. Our planning was limited to breakfast at I-Hop and our customary trip to the bookstore.

Everything else, we left to our respective whims ... and look where it led us:

Fort Lauderdale Beach:

We were greeted by this super loving, super cat-nappable cat named Kiwi

And stumbled upon this cool, dressed up manatee mailbox.

Taking a moment for our duo self portraits ☺

This intriguing neighborhood even had a colorful, designer wall.

Laura got this shot of me while we were trespassing on private property.  My curiosity led me to the second floor ... while her concerns of getting caught had her seeking an exit (only to wind up in the backyard of parallel property, lol).

While trespassing, Laura and I came across this interesting "art set-up"

A fitting find for our day ☺

I wonder how long they have known each other ...

This was such a magical moment to witness ...

Molly just couldn't wait to love on us.

We saw so many people running with their dogs.

Downtown Fort Lauderdale / Las Olas:

This was just SO Lita, lol ;)

Thirsty Ducklings

Appreciating nature's reflections.

More dog cuteness!

This bake shop had the coolest, decorated cakes I'd ever seen.  (Hey, Laura, I forgot to get my other chocolate chip cookie, lol ;P )

Mmmm!  This was a fun scene to get.  We were getting cooperation, plus the seductive scent of the  warm bread was making us so hungry.

A shot of our meals (and of Laura with her camera) while we dined at a French restaurant

We spotted this chocolate specialty shop on our way out.

This had us giggling, being the chocolate addicts we are ;P ! 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Crazy acronyms for "Compassion"

Name Today: Horizon

Today I get to: Go over a handwritten agreement ☺

Toast of the Day: "Here's to having a friend you can be goofy with."
(Erica feigning to push me out of our office window, 10 stories high)


Use the word "compassion" to write an acronym ...

This is what Tammy and I quickly scribbled down during kava tonight ... ;P :
Question for Self: What's one small way I can be compassionate with myself today?
Saying "I'll pass" to worries.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze." ~Amanda Cross

Name today:  Matching socks

What would accordian music look like if you could doodle, collage, or paint it?
Like this :

... I had plans for so much more, but ah, who has the time?!  Will not be home tonight, so I prepared this in advance to upload first thing.

Much loe and blessings!

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. ~ Jack London

Awe-Manac for January 12:

Of note:  It's National Soup Month

Happy Birthday to:  John Singer Sargent, 1856, portrait and landscape painter

Today I get to:  Hustle, and then some ...

Dose of Mirth:  "A portrait is a painting with something wrong with the mouth." ~ John Singer Sargent

I did my best to make something "wrong with the mouth," as I deviated so far from what her mouth originally looked like ... Her overall beauty simply enhanced her new, "wrong" mouth ;P

So much more to accomplish before slumber time, so I've gotta' keep this short.

Monday, January 10, 2011

"You can't tell how deep a puddle is until you step in it." ~ Unknown

Name today:  Pleasantries

Today I get to:  Write letters to loved ones and send them out snail mail.


"Every path has its puddle."

Write a piece that has "puddle" and a bunch of other "p" words in it.
On the way to Publix to pick up items in the produce section, including papayas, pineapples and pears, we passed an old poster of Prince in his prime and pondered what he was doing now. Pam then pleaded we take the private road to pass by her boyfriend's place, who I find to be a pompous prick with a pugnacious disposition.  But then we got sidetracked by a sign in the form of a printed paw pointing the way to what looked like a palace. As we pulled in and parked next to the Porsche, we saw the entire area packed with people.
Neither of us prudent and both prone to prowl for pleasure, we proceeded toward what appeared to be a phenomenal party, but we had to make sure we primped to look our prettiest. A quick perusal of my reflection revealed perfectly plump and pouty lips. We overstepped puddles and tried to blend in and pretend we were on the invite list. We passed a person wearing polka-dotted pants and a pink and purple blouse.

We then overheard a poor wretch preaching of the end and someone else postulating pathetic platitudes. Behind the palms, we saw guys peering into windows, which initially made me think they were Peeping Toms. Around the patio, a pimply-faced pubescent was pissing openly.

Another person was walking what was obviously a very pampered pooch, resembling a Pekinese.

As we got closer, we were partially pummeled with a waft of perfumed air, pleasantly smelling of plumeria. As we entered the foyer, we were met by a greeting party, providing each of us with plastic-wrapped packages and a light peck.

We both paused when we heard a harmonious song being played on the pristine piano which laid atop a patterned Persian carpet.

We eached grabbed a paper plate to fill it with a piece of pumpkin pie, pretzels, popcorn and potato chips. I took the pitcher and poured my friend the last of the punch. One of the guests must've been a physician, as I was able to make out among a cacaphony of sounds, his muffled murmur of pills he could prescribe.

It was then that Pam painfully pinched me to get my attention of the pipe that was being pushed into her palms, as she was deemed next in line to puff.

Moments later, we heard a loud pop and realized someone named Phil packed a power punch at a pimp named Peter who was trying to pick up his playmate of a girlfriend to recruit her as a prostitute and to have her perform pornography.

Flashes of light were coming from all directions, as if we were surrounded by the paparazzi. As soon as we heard the police sirens, we prodded each other into promptly taking our leave.

We called our parents trying not to sound panic-stricken and phony as we tried to paint a more prosaic picture of the reason for our delay.
LOL!  When I read today's exercise, I was totally going to pass, as it didn't excite me enough to want to do it ... I changed my mind at the last minute, feeling the need to stretch my creative stamina.  So this was the best I could whip up at the last second, for both the picture and the "P" -filled story ;P   I'm glad I did it, as it was SO much fun once I got into the groove, but it did have me up WAY past my bedtime!

Maggie Mae

Name Today:  Good measure

Today, I get to:  Eat more chocolate (It's Bittersweet Chocolate Day! ☺)


In honor of Rod Stewart's birthday, write what happened to Maggie Mae.

This image is my artistic depiction of Maggie Mae.
Maggie Mae is the opposite of a small town woman, as she travels often, in search of adventures beyond anyone's backyard. Her best friend and rock is Ramone, a baker who always has her favorite dessert on standby.  She usually sleeps in until 11:30 am, when her cat, Mustache, decides to gently bat at her face for treats.  She constantly misplaces her personal effects, which is why she can't keep a pair of anything, be it earrings, socks, or shoes.  Her favorite sound is of clanging dishes which remind her of childhood comforts.  She could easily live off of bread, exquisite cheeses, tiramisu and fine wine.  Although her wardrobe is starkly black, she drools over colors of all hues and shades.  She speaks 3 languages fluently, but has trouble pronouncing simple words like cinnamon.  To her, fresh breath is everything, so she makes a point of keeping a spearmint plant on hand.

She:  thinks psychics are for sissys; is a pro at dominos; and has an interest in watching underground sports.  She's currently exploring Africa, and has befriended an elephant named Hotuk.
She requested I refrain from disclosing anything incriminating, of which I assured her I would.
As a side note, the above image of Maggie Mae underwent a lot of transformation.  I intended her to be an image onto herself, but a backdrop insisted on coming into play ... As is usual when creativity is afoot, all components came together organically "on their own," including her story ... I was simply the tool by which creativity flowed ... Ahhh to that rush  ♥

And with an entire weekend left to my own devices, I visited a bookstore and got my message on Page 56 ( sorry, Laura -- I was too impatient to wait ;) ).  It was from Miss Tallulah Bankhead who said "Whatever you do, it has to be done with authority.  Then everyone will believe you."  Hmmmm? Which just begs the question, how does anyone do anything with authority?  What does that mean? lol =)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

As is

Name today: Spaghetti

For Dotty Day, use dots as a trigger for your art.  Make large dots and fill them in with favorite quotes or see how adding dots can add interest or whimsy to a piece or a collage. 

A Dose of Mirth:  "A line is a dot that went for a walk." ~ Paul Klee

While working on the "dotty" image above, I was watching an old Star Trek episode where they took shore leave on this planet and everything they thought about instantly manifested.  It made me think of today's "Law of Attraction" philosophy.

Personal reflection

Referring to an old adage, "What we resist persists." and reading "When you simply look at a situation, see it as it is, and stop wishing it were different, the situation loses its dominating power over you."

In keeping with that, I accept my life just as it is: perfectly imperfect; driven to create only when the impulse and time allows; accepting that what results simply is and move on.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"When things go wrong, don't go with them." ~ Elvis Presley

Name Today:  Ballerina

Today I get to: Breathe and catch up on chores


Water can be therapeutic in so many ways.  Climb inside a tub of nurturing warm water ...

Toast of the Day:  "Here's to the smell of a soothing bath salt."

Received Notice of Final Judgment ...
Found out where Bri was moved ...
Noting cumulative consequences of a lifetime of hasty choices and chaotic passions ...
Will I improve myself as a human and work daily to minimize my vices? ...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Poetry is a packsack of invisible keepsakes. ~ Carl Sandburg

Name Today: Nina

Of Interesting Note: It's National Be On-Purpose Month!

Toast of the Day: "Here's to reading something you really like and realizing you wrote it."

(Model: Laura, my muse)

A Muse I Do Summon

Too focused to wither, to let it all fall,
A muse I do summon, to answer the call.

Imbue me with textures and tasty delights,
Help it flow freely, the wave of insights.

A map I do have, to show me the way,
Resistance tugs; I shall keep it at bay.

Courage and discipline, I traverse alone,
Help target from whence inspiration doth shone.

The hierarchy of helpers, I do so implore,
Effortless prose, shall now come to the fore.

So shall it be!

~ Lita

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(Me in a past life)

Dance for Yourself

From the depths of the Earth to the core of our being
the pulse of life beats, a rhythm unceasing.

Sounds take on shape with design and style
forming patterns and motifs, enough to beguile.

With circles and lines, sways and curves
zigzags galore, textures and swerves.

Movement emerges, like a wave from the ocean
a dance they call it, all action and motion.

Diverse and varied, dance does come
fulfilling needs in any spectrum.

From expression and healing, to birthing and fun
exercise, fertility ... mostly celebration.

Too many to name, but many to favor
Belly Dance is one I especially savor.

With flutters and shimmies done loosely or tight,
undulations and accents, an amazing sight.

With women dancing for women is how it began
to entertain and party, not seduce a man.

Keeping it sensual, not sexual, we continue to strive
it takes commitment, skill and plenty of drive.

With varied styles based upon region,
blending them wisely creates a nice fusion.

With colorful costumes of coins and beading
the dance may look simple.  This is misleading.

It takes muscle control to master isolations.
This art requires energy and a lot of patience.

Regardless of age, shape, creed or race,
Belly Dance can be done by anyone with grace.

Hired for parties, weddings and special events
paid gigs and shows are not always incumbent.

A thing to remember in any case
is dance for yourself first and the rest falls into place.

~ Lita

Yesterday was spent working out, catching up on E-mails and rest ... so I'll revisit yesterday's exercise this time next year ☺

Due to my busy-ness, I had to keep today's post simple, and figured there was no better time to get maximum picture mileage. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rising above

Name today:  Dorothy

(Model:  Me ☺ ... Thanks to Shadowed Light Waves for the background pic)

Today's image was inspired by today's exercise about lack of gravity.  Of course, if there truly was no gravity, my hair and dress would be facing every which way ...

One thing I can say about these exercises is I'm finally starting to process pictures that have been begging for attention.

Aha-phrodisiac:  Write about a day without gravity.
  • No one would have to worry about how much they weigh ... a scale would refreshingly have no meaning.
  • Most modes of transportation would be rendered useless.
  • Tethering ourselves to people and things we love would be useful.
  • Everyone could take a break from having to brush their hair.
  • Jumping off of a high cliff or building would be a viable option.
  • We could "fly" among each other, among animals ... both vicious and friendly.
  • Trying to "right" ourselves could prove difficult.
  • If desired, one can literally run in place.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Savor a nap

Energy levels exceptionally low today, so I picked only those exercises (from The Awe-Manac) that called for little words ...

Name Today:  Dunham ;)

Today I get to: feel how much progress I made from yesterday's bootcamp by all the muscle soreness I awoke with.

Toast of the Day:  Here's to a refreshing midday nap.


Use the title "Festival of Sleep" for a collage, drawing, painting or doodling.  Well, here ya' go:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's January 2, 2011 at 8:33 pm, and I am ...

fulfilling today's exercise from The Awe-Manic, as follows:

Name today:  The world is my playground

Toast of the day:  "Here's to the calm presence of a sitting cat."

Today I get to burn some holiday calories.


Write a list of why you write or do art or why you want to. Pick one of those and write at length about it, getting deep into it even if it doesn't seem to make sense.
I do it because I get such a natural rush becoming a vessel for creativity to flow forth ... Yes, to the thrill of becoming surprised by it, seduced by it, to fall in love with it ... Ahhh to basking in the afterglow that stays with you, keeping you addicted to it ...
Write down some event that happened recently. Recount it adding a few otherworldly powers and characters.
I walked into the studio eager, yet apprehensive. Would the hosts be receptive to me after my extended absence? Would I stick out too much from the rest of the bunch? What if I passed out from unconditioned exertion?

I found comfort in familiar sights and sounds, in elements I hadn't had exposure to in a very long time ... Stray concerns ultimately evaporated once I was greeted by one of the hosts, Amasan. She and Kika developed the ability to transform into mermaids during my time away. I forgot to ask what it felt like. I also wasn't able to take pictures, because our entire group was immersed in intensive drills for the 3-hour bootcamp we signed up for. 

Words I heard a lot were "breathe," "just a few more" and "shake it out." The ladder being my favorite.

Our host, for the last hour, had the ability to move at the speed of light, so it was hard keeping up with her. All in all, it was nice knowing that despite my modest amount of time in strenuous exercise, I could *somewhat* hang stamina-wise with these extraordinary beings ... although, it shined light on areas I could totally improve on.

Is it bad that after putting myself through all of that I've been indulging in chocolate nonstop?
Kika snapshot this 3 hours in (we're such a blur since we we had to move lightning fast to keep up with the host ;)

A picture where Amasan and Kika swim publicly at the Wreck Bar.  You can watch them in action on this Youtube video.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year ☺ !

Unplanned New Year's celebration at IHop!  LOL!!! 

It was SO fun getting together with close friends on this important (to me anyway) holiday.  We intended to get high on kava, eat Mexican and come back for more kava at the stroke of midnight ... Instead we dined on some of the food laid out at the kava bar ... After our fair share of kava, the loud music and our general malaise had us seeking comfort in breakfast food.

We improvised by shredding strips of IHop paper to use as our confetti that we tamely tossed at midnight  =)

Breakfast with close friends an hour before the New Year ☺

Loraine and Laura -- Virgin kava drinkers.  Before and after their first sip of the Earthy-tasting brew, LOL ;)

Our photogenic bartender

Candids of strangers texting ... I may use it to propel future writing exercises (who are they texting? ... what are they texting about? ... etc. )

Kava bar ambience


Today's Notes:

Finding my bed at 4:30 am ... Awaking at 8:30 am ...

Watching the shadows of trees sway through my curtains ... Open the glass sliding door to get a feel for the weather, and it's heavenly.  Under the warmth and light of the morning sun, I thumb through The Awe-Manac book ... Looking through tired, yet excited eyes ... Totally falling in love with all phrases of inspiration ...

The Awe-Manac's genuine claim is it will:
" ... make you younger by providing a regular diet of creative thought.  It will enhance your sex appeal because creative people are known to be more sexy, uninhibited, and resourceful.  And no dust bunnies were harmed in the writing of this book ... "
Begin to process pictures from the night / morning prior ...

Picked up the The Awe-Manac book again to get a handle on current Daily Dose of Wonder exercises ... I am instructed to go to a bookstore to discover what my message is on page 56 of any book I find there!  I will so blog about that after my next bookstore trip. ☺

Awe-Manic Exercises:

Ebbing: what will you release 5 percent of this month? Reasons to complain.

Flowing: what will you increase 5 percent? Time spent in homeostasis.

Vessel of strength: What self-talk will keep you afloat? "There is nothing like a dream to
create the future."

Today, I get to begin the most wonderful year EVER!

Make one of the things that worked for you last year a New Year's resolution: Giving in to temptation. ;P

Journal Juju: I wrote my 1st entry in my physical journal. (Laura, so loving having a physical journal to play on and in; thanks so much!)

... Off to possibly nap ... catch up on e-mails ... get my daily dose of chocolate ... and if I'm lucky work out ...

... Also, I have older pics I will process and post ... but will do so later ...