Friday, April 11, 2008


Woke up to a passionate encounter. Showered, primped and weighed in. Scale still reflects upward gain.

I met with a therapist last night and found it to be a big waste of time and money. I’ve found more therapy sitting on the toilet. She was judgmental, which put me on guard; she would refute what I was feeling, and interject with what *she* thought I was feeling. Oh well, I guess it was worth a shot.

When I got home last night I was exhausted, so I didn’t work out, draw or do laundry. I caught up on E-mails, worked on a couple of pictures and read. I should’ve just went straight to sleep, as rest is what I need.

I got a new novel. This was not my intention; it just happened. After reading the novel prior, I planned on combing through it for style. But this author had me so intrigued that I couldn’t wait to read more of her books. Hence, that is what I am doing. And I would love nothing more than to lose myself in her book today. But instead, I must work and hope I have the energy for it tonight. I have lots to do tonight, actually in anticipation of not being home all weekend.

Spoke with B last night and my heart bled for him. Although he was hurting, the manner in which he spoke came from a place of strength and of acceptance of his current lot.

Have been speaking with MIL a lot these days about B and am finally feeling her acceptance of me. It took 20 years and tragedy to bring us here ... It is good, no?

I haven’t heard from my BF and this saddens me somewhat, as I wish she would rely on me more by calling or at least E-mailing

Well time to work my magic here at work, so I’m off for now ...


On trusting your vibe, per Sonia Choquette:

"you will also discover that for every vibe you follow, good comes from it, and that good continues to flow from you and into the world. As you become happier, more peaceful, more satisfied, you also become a better world citizen. As your personal world improves, you will become more patient, less defensive, more generous, and open minded with the rest of the world.

You will soften and open your heart, finding time and energy for others as you will waste less time stressing and worrying about your fears. Soon you will see, listening to your vibes is the gift that keeps on giving. Not only does listening to your vibes keep you on the right track for your Spirit to be peaceful, it is contagious. You become an energetic magnet for others, and help them fall back into alignment with their vibes, and true path as well.

One thing we six sensories notice right away is just how much we affect one another. When one in a crowd is anxious and fearful, it travels throughout the crowd, setting off anxiety and fear in all. The same holds true for peace. When one is peaceful, solid and grounded in their Sprit, (which is what trusting your vibes-especially on at a time does for you) it too affects others, calming, easing fears and opening hearts all around.

Decide to be the good fairy, and help the world, one good vibe at a time. The time has come to listen to your heart, trust what it suggests, speak it out loud, and take action on its instruction. In doing so, you will become a huge source of healing and peace, for you and for all."

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