Monday, September 8, 2008

Unfurling mystery

Unfurling Mystery

I release fear and uncertainty
into the winds of change,

Accepting overflowing assurance
beyond measure, beyond range.

I await my life's calling
made known and sure,

Keeping my senses open,
discerning and pure.

The question of how and when,
the mystery unfurls,

The right place, the right time,
patience checked, and my hope whirls.


From hundreds of photos to edit, this one called to me today ... and then before I knew it, the poetry I wrote (which I didn't plan on writing) took a completely different tone and direction than the one I intended. Such is the way of things, I suppose :)

I got 3 DVD's to watch throughout the week, one being Atonement. It didn't offer the fix I hoped it would, but I sure love watching Keira in action. She's so beautiful and talented, and I adore her accent.


  1. Love the poem!
    and what a gorgeous shot.

  2. Thanks, Laura! I appreciate your saying so :)

  3. What a great poem! It is funny how sometimes they just come to us.

  4. Thanks, Alex. I'm glad you liked it :) Yes, it is funny how some poems just come to us. I usually find those are the best ... it's as if they *need* to be told ... or at least that's how I see it :)
