Wednesday, January 16, 2008

In the Hand of Ease

I called in "well" yesterday. What better way to seize the day and live in the now, than making choices that support living in the now? I have days off to take, so I took one! :)

I spent the early part of the morning hiking and taking pictures. While doing a 4-mile hike, I captured a butterfly shot of a butterfly I have yet to identify. It looked rough around the edges, but it was still beautiful. At first I didn’t want to lug my camera around, but I knew I’d regret it should I see something of interest, so I’m glad I did.

Yesterday, I ate:

2 raw organic bars
A banana / coconut water smoothie
1 black sapote
A banana / mango smoothie
2 bananas
1 small avocado

I still craved cooked foods ... I was thinking Greek ... but I awoke this morning and only crave fruits. I think I’m over the hump of craving cooked foods. I also think a lot of it had to do with being in a good place mentally. A blanket of peace and ease is resting on me at last.

I am attracting the perfect set of circumstances and people to me now. I am surrounded by love and loving people. A new attraction is this amazing woman who helps with the United Nations and her mission is peace. Peace begins with us individually. I just love her vibrancy and poise. I met with her last night, when we began our exercises. The way I see it, since we are individuals, we are a microcosm of everything else. We have power that begins with us, individually. Our individual progress does make a difference.


Later this day...

The good news is I cleaned my bathroom, did laundry and worked out for an hour.

The cleaning and laundry part was because … well because aside from gross neglect, it was because the stars were in perfect alignment for it.

The workout part was because the opportunity presented itself … and also because it was my way of paying penance to myself for botching up my stay-away-from processed/cooked foods kick. It was pre-meditated up to a point, and then like a rip in a stocking, it just got bigger. But I’m better now. Really.

It started off to a good start:

1 orange
1 small avocado
1 fruit smoothie
1 bag of wheat chips (small blunder)
Hershey assortment chocolates (big blunder)
1 small bag of Doritos (blunder continues)
1 papaya fruit pie (my fave)
1 raw organic food bar

… the day is not over, so who knows? the list could expand; but I hope not ...


A new day and mornings,
and smiles so dear

Gratitude and hugs
as the shadows disappear.

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