Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze." ~Amanda Cross

Name today:  Matching socks

What would accordian music look like if you could doodle, collage, or paint it?
Like this :

... I had plans for so much more, but ah, who has the time?!  Will not be home tonight, so I prepared this in advance to upload first thing.

Much loe and blessings!


  1. Haha! Yes! That is exactly what it sounds like and what my head feels like right now. :(
    Enjoy your evening! xo

  2. Music. Interesting topic. Did you know its actually the SPACE between the notes that makes the noise music to the ears. Second, you never want to die with your music still in you. As they say at Nike....Just Do It! I liked that new facial cream you had on last night, it makes your face so alive. C1
