Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Beach in November

I had another wonderful CS with Laura!  We started the day with breakfast at IHop followed by photography at the beach.  It was so brisk, feeling like the coldest day of Fall.  We caught each other up to speed with our respective lives/activities.  She discussed the parallels of certain characters in the novel she's writing this month, the storyline of which I will say very little for her creative privacy purposes.  It would be cool to be able to bottle a fraction of the creative energy she uses on artistic pursuits and then sell it ;P

I'm faced with another fork in the road and her advice is to go for it, despite there being so much at stake.  She and I discussed at length my tendencies ... I'm just as curious as the next person to see where my feet will tread; I will simply have to follow the signs and my instincts and do my best to allay fears along the way.

Anyway, after the beach, we ate at Seasons 52.  Also, in keeping with our routine, we also visited nearby bookstores (Barnes & Noble and Borders Books) to get our fix for creative inspiration and to do our part in helping the economy with our given purchases ;)

Love Love LOVE this song on Youtube:


  1. What a great day! When I told Charlie we ate at both Ihop and Seasons 52 he said "that's not fair" LOL! And LMAO to the comment about doing our part to help the economy. We should by stock in B&N!
    Thanks for another fab Creative Saturday! xoxo

  2. A gift from the soul of all the fairy photos awaits you from stories shared with the one that is also a apart of me. After seeing the images I had goose bumps and just had to share knowing those pearly whites will shine bright after seeing the similarities.

    A song also awaits for you to relfect the isness of the moment that dwells within.
