Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Feeling loquacious

The highlights from the past week include spending a cherished 3-day weekend with my Honey, seeing Bri and having a fun, get-together with friends met through photography.

We drove up to Orlando Friday night to stay at a hotel. Our palate and tummies were taken care of until we arrived at our destination.

I loved our hotel! The king-sized bed was so comfortable and the view was an ahhh kind of relaxing. We overlooked water, a tree, and a well-manicured yard … at night, we got to enjoy cooler, night air with the full moon peaking over backlit clouds.

Before bedtime, he gave me my birthday gifts early, knowing my birthday weekend would be spent with Laura. He so knows how to spoil :)!

When we awoke, we sat on our balcony on the patio chairs, enjoying our crisp, red delicious apples as we took in the newness of the day and each other. Afterward, we headed to Trenton to see Bri.

Once my not-so-accurate GPS got us nearby, I started to get nervous after so long of a stretch of not seeing him, and also for arriving for the first time minus his father.

I found a table outside, far enough from smokers, and anxiously awaited his smiling face. When he appeared, the smile I anticipated was missing. My late arrival put him on edge. He worried I wouldn’t make it on time to see him. Once he calmed, I still sensed something was awry and discovered it had to do with the final breakup between his father and I. He was blaming himself. Although I had been vague for so long, it felt appropriate to finally fill in details to ease his mind from thinking his incarceration was a factor. Although he saw my point, he more cheerfully said he still partly blames himself. I felt better that he was lighter about it, but heavier about the extent of the disclosure.

We then met up with L, who graciously took us in for the weekend, as well as another photographer, at this restaurant that had the best calamari. After finishing our dinners, we chased that down with dessert from a place that makes homemade ice cream.

The next morning, we went to Payne’s Prairie and trekked around in search of the much-sought-after bison. It wasn’t until the end of the day we finally got to see them and a few, stray wild horses. Although we would’ve preferred to see them close up, it was still quite the experience to see them out in the wild.

  • a long walk in the heat,
  • enduring our respective aches and pains,
  • warmly clothed to avoid the sting of yellow flies,
  • having my first touch of sunburn for the year,
we treated ourselves to Cold Stone Ice Cream, and yum, was it a treat!

When we returned to L’s place, and sat, engrossed in conversation while the rain came down. I was treated to TLC on my painful neck and shoulders.

The following morning, L and I chatted. She has this way about her ... to where you could easily listen to her talk all day. That's a good thing, considering her livelihood will soon be teaching again. She makes these amazing fabric dolls that sells for around $1,500. I instantly thought of how Laura could appreciate them since she has an avid appreciation of them. Anyway, L is quite a special, creative and warm-hearted person, and I am all the better for simply knowing her.

As it is now after 10 pm, I realize I will not have time to add corresponding pics, so I will leave my posting pictureless and upload an addendum of pics once I’ve had a chance to process them.

>sigh< No doubt, I’ve left out much, but must now take leave to answer E-mails then head to bed ...

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. It was great to read about your visit with Brian. Leta sounds awesome! Did you take any pics of her dolls? Can't wait to see you for your birthday! xoxox
