Friday, December 11, 2009

Blogging with more consistency

I recently perused my blog archives and was tickled to see how far I’ve progressed in photography. The image of me posted above was shot by my Flickr contact, Scott.

My interest in photography bloomed New Year’s day, 2008. I remember happily strolling along a local park with my new DSLR camera in hand and vividly recall how excited and proud I was to get a fairly decent shot of an anhinga sharing a branch with an iguana in the middle of a lake, while they basked in the sun. However, intimidated by the intricacy of my camera, I worked in automatic settings.

Determined to work with more proficiency, I attended a workshop at the place that sold me the camera, and on 1/13/08, I was taught the significance of shutter speed, aperture and white balance. I remember how Greek it sounded to me at the time.

I had decided to connect with others of like mind and to surround myself with those more knowledgeable, so I joined a local wildlife photography group, and found it so fun to read what I wrote about my experience at the first meetup that was held in Sanibel Island on 2/10/08.

Now, almost 2 years later, I’m in a phase where I rarely take photos. Perhaps it’s because I’ve recently been engrossed in experimenting with photo manipulation and digital art. But getting back into photography is on my to do list.

I used to blog a lot about my goals and aspirations but because they lacked consistency, it became hard to keep up. I’ve noticed a pattern in my interests and pursuits. My level of interest in something is in proportion my level of learning, novelty/diversity of subjects. Unfortunately, my Gemini tendency of becoming easily bored is a big factor and impediment.

I could resist my nature, but it would be pointless. Once my heart is no longer into an endeavor, it unfortunately loses it’s authenticity.

My newest love is Crossfit! Joined up early September and although I haven’t been as consistent as I’d like, I’ve loved how it empowers me. My journey toward fitness will also become a regular journal entry.

Anyway, my new year’s resolution is to keep up with my blog and post accompanying pictures. I look forward to the challenge.

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