Sunday, September 26, 2010


... Stuff on Youtube has continued to induce, laughter, tears and the in-between ...

"Above all, do not lose your desire to walk.  Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness.  I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it."  ~ Soren Kierkegaard
"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it."  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

p.s. Comments unnecessary ... just marking time in my blog :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

To know

Reading Creative Mind by Ernest Holmes, the Science of Mind guy ... very empowering messages. Just think and know, and the Universe will match what you truly think and know.

I know today will be filled with happiness and empowering excitement and filled with beauty and love. I’m surrounded by all that is uplifting and I have loving connections. I live an easy, free-spirited life, filled with creative endeavors. I am dripping with talent in art like drawing and watercolor, and my writing skills are my most prized.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Faith forward ...

Within the safe and lonely confines of my version of a romantically set boidoir, I fell emotionally. Luckily my huggable bears, Theodore and Sedgwick were there to soften the blow.

Perhaps if I were flourishing in my art the way I intended, I’d feel better; but for now, I’m stuck in passivity. I'm wanting to blame victim-hood of wrist pain, or energetic issues ... but ultimately all are excuses.

I’m lowering the bar of what it takes to feel content and that is to simply choose to be happy with what is.

I thought of Bri and wondered what if any, loneliness befell him. Which made me dream of him. I dreamt he wanted me to read him bedtime stories to make up for lost time.

Perhaps its all growing pains as I get acclimated to yet another job and the changes of truly being solo ... I’m very much thankful to my friends who fill in the gaps and make me feel like I matter.

I would really love to go abroad ... particularly Europe ... specifically Florence and Tuscany. Desperately, in need of a change in scenery. Although, during my drive to work this morning, I drove past looming columns of overhanging trees that framed the road.  This offered a very scenic and relaxing tone to the day ... It made me appreciate where I am right now, in my home-based paradise.

I have to remember not to resist the flow of change.   Faith forward ...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Late Bloomer

"Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well."  ~ Quote shared by Tammy
It seems I've been filling my hours with shopping and cleaning.  How is it possible for one person to require so much clean-up? 

I had my masseuse work on the muscles to relieve the corresponding pressure, but the relief is short-lived.  Oh well...

When Laura made a comment about those who collect/are collectors, I breathed a sigh of relief, being thankful I held no such inclination(s) ... only to realize I do: specialty books!  I guess it makes sense for one who fancies words the way I do.

About books, I may well be close to owning all how-to books on watercolor.  Plus, I also have the latest watercolor magazine.  I surrounded myself with 4 of the books last night, trying to find parallels in instruction. 

Even after our visit to the art store, I'm still missing a few brushes (which are expensive, btw) and whatnot, and until my set is complete, I'll continue learning what I can, inspire myself and plan for upcoming projects.

Laura shared this inspiring article that keeps me from getting discouraged for getting a late start in my pursuit of art:

"Where our most fervent selves are engaged at the peak of our capacity there is rapture."
The way I see it, we may bloom different aspects of ourselves each era of our life.  Through mid-life, I aspire to bloom as a prolific artist in as many mediums I can ... We shall see ;)

Here's a fun song / fun video by Yael Naïm called New Soul

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Getting high

Liking my new job!

This is me, high on kava. Tammy took this pic last night at the kava place, walking distance from the beach. She makes quite the photographer.

I've been a Youtube junkie these days and found the following gems, the tunes of which have stayed with me:

Lighthouse Family: Catchy tune that makes me want to sing along, especially about feeling high (on kava,lol).

Ingrid Michaelson: This tune makes me feel like I'm in Paris in a coffeehouse with a cigarette in hand :) ( even though I don't smoke ;P )

Off to play now! ☺

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dose of Culture

Additional scenes from this week:

~ My art studio set up ~

~ Parmesian Squash Cakes (preferring more cheese and less shallots) ~

From my trip to the Flagler Museum:

~ Front of Flagler Museum ~

~ Opulence to the left ~

~ and opulence to the right ~

~ Lion head which is a symbol of the sun ~

~ Me, taking in the gloriousness of it all ...

Most recent fascinations:

  •  The reign of Queen Victoria with Prince Albert (after watching Young Victoria) 
  • Accomplishments of Henry Morrison Flagler (recently inspired after a visit to his prior house turned museum)

After my exposure to the paintings from the museum, I skimmed through general paintings of old and made a modest list of some of my favorites:

Painter: John William Waterhouse
St. Cecilia
The Danaides
Psyche opening the Golden Box
A Tale from Decameron
The Shrine
Fair Rosamund

Painter: Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
The Finding of Moses
Vain Courtship
The Baths of Caracalla (love)

Painter: William Adolphe Bouguereau
The Dance (love)
Two Girls (Childhood Idyll) (love)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Stay-cation continued

Enjoying my stay-cation so far ... filled with bustling activities, beginning with my invigorating jog/walk beneath a jaw-dropping, bright crescent moon, hung low in a twilight sky and seen with a foreground of embracing trees.

I spent some of the morning cleaning the area I watercolored yesterday (on the floor - see pic below:) . To prevent the extra work, a big priority is to set up a work space in my artroom; after all, that's what it's for.

I tutored myself on watercolor via reading and watching a sample video. I found myself with some ah-hah moments, but mostly moments thinking "Uh-huh, easy for them to say." As much as the impatient side of me just wants to put brush, color and water to paper, I will refrain until I get more instruction.

I initially entertained the idea of staying in a Bed & Breakfast, but decided to create my own tailored to me. I got this bedspread (in pic below) to jumpstart my feel of being in (a cottage-y) one.

I also got my first pet, Theodore (darker bear in picture above), who was sold at the same place, Tuesday Morning (that's not only open Tuesday mornings, lol). He's awesome. He's soft and doesn't fuss or eat much ;)

I also prepared my own fare. Yes, I cooked. For those who know me, know this is quite a feat. What I found interesting was that it was more do-able than watercolor. It could be because I bought an indoor grill (thanks, Laura for the tip), the ease of which made all the differerence. I made a grilled eggplant and portobello sandwich. Trippy to learn how to de-gill mushrooms. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised by the outcome, not only in appearance, but in taste.

And now I must take leave to clean up the kitchen and meet with Tammy for some Kava. Too bad this "Bed & Breakfast" doesn't have a cleaning lady apart from the tenant, lol.

Be good to you and have a Happy remainder of your Labor Day weekend ♥

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Art of Becoming

Hear Ye Hear Ye! : I have water colored! ... -- and into day whatever, intending to finalize a painting I started weeks ago, it has conquered! ... me ... kicking my daring ass and diffusing an already-intimidated sense of art-y confidence. It's the painting I worked on with Laura yesterday on our Creative Saturday ... >sigh< ... She started a piece the night before with acrylics, and it's breath-taking amazing already! The emotion, the colors, the impressionistic look ... Well, you'll see it yourself soon ...

I digress. Anyway, my deflating art experience made me want to run back to the familiar arms of digital art, where "undo" is my Fairy Godmother.

Shortcuts ... sometimes simply do not pay off. I was working from a do-it-yourself kit, where the steps outlined are scanty for those who have never dared to pick up a brush before.

Why didn't I listen to Laura who said this medium is unforgiving? Or the two painters from an art store who gave me a you're brave or crazy look when I shared my endeavor as a neophyte watercolorist.

I have options. I could elect to sell all my supplies and books, with the knowing I gave it a shot. But since I did so without taking the time to get proper instruction, I can't really say I gave it my best shot. So for now, this is where I am.

Besides, in The Artist's Way, she gives rules of the road. One asking us to "Remember that even if you have made a truly rotten piece of art, it may be a necessary stepping-stone to your next work. Art matures spasmodically and requires ugly-duckling growth stages."

Also, "Never ask whether you can do something. Say instead, that you are doing it. Then fasten your seatbelt. The most remarkable things follow."

I am also in-between jobs right now. I gave notice, and this week is the break between jobs. As I didn't really have time to plan for a vacation, I decided to plan for a stay-cation. Filling it with a schedule of self schooling via books on art on some days, with a trip or two to museums or whatnot on the others. Although I have a full week, I'm feeling like it's not enough to do all I'd like to do ... I'm trying to squeeze in all that's possible, including un-fun stuff, like getting my car done and my boobs thermographed.

Below are pics of those from my prior employment:

~ Here's Diane (friend and prior boss) and her daughter, Sophia ~

~ Me and Alexis (the adorable 20-year old I'd love my son to date :) ~

~ Me and Enid (of whom I shared my highs and lows) ~

~ Me and Celeste (who is good at laughing in the face of all kinds of adversity) ~

~ Balloons (Good Luck and Butterfly-shaped) my co-workers gave me the eve of my last day, accompanied with an affectionate attack of silly string ~

Lastly, circumstance has brought me to the forefront of being solo again.

Being a self-help book slut, I read this book called SINGLE The art of being satisfied, fulfilled and independent - by Judy Ford, and will post some excerpts below for future reference.

When you’ve been coupled and are single again, it’s as if you’ve been plopped into the middle of a foreign culture. The rules have changed, and everything is unknown. You might not know the language or the customs, but you can learn. And once you conquer the beautiful secrets, you’re in for a blessed surprise. A single life is, if you embrace it, filled with incredible magic and meaning.

Ask: "Do I want to wait for happiness to come along, or do I want to make my own?"

Living single, satisfied, fulfilled and independent is an art. It’s not a birthright, an inheritance, or a windfall … It requires inventiveness, imagination, determination, awareness and skill. A satisfied single, like a poet, a musician, or a dancer, is committed to a celebration of all existence. They see beauty in it all. She dances to the beat of her own drum.

Taking responsibility for one’s happiness is a big part of the art.

Be a good role model by honoring your limitations and celebrating your strengths.

Ask: “How can I live a meaningful, flourishing life? How can I thrive on my own? How can I have satisfying connections?"

Remind yourself that you have everything that’s important and worthwhile -- friends, art, music, laughter, good health, the love of our children and meaningful work.

Suppose that you discovered that you would be single for the rest of your life, that you’ll never have another relationship, What would you do? Is there anything that you’d do differently. One person indicated “I’d stop putting any energy into thinking about a relationship, planning, waiting or looking. I’d try harder to find fulfillment in the things I already do.”

Happily ever after begins with me.

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” -- Oscar Wilde